The Worldwide Web Popularity Contest

With Google’s algorithm changes heavily altering the world of Search Engine Optimization, it is more important than ever to have a clear goal and a clear method when it comes to your online marketing.  More than ever, your online presence determines the success of your business, and, despite their listing troubles, Facebook and other Social Media sites lie firmly at the forefront of the new age of SEO.

The Power of People

It may be an old cliché, but it is one that has resurfaced with the advent of social media.  While Facebook was thought of as a tool for friends to keep in touch, it has been transformed into possibly the greatest marketing tool on the planet, with a huge list and a customer base who spends hours every day onsite.  Along with Facebook, we’ve also seen the Twitter revolution, combined with other forms of social interaction over the World Wide Web.  This has a huge impact on how companies can promote their business online, and how they can build useful, natural links through social media marketing.

Recreating the Links Natural Habitat

After the crack-downs on unnatural backlinks in Google’s Panda and Penguin updates, it has become more and more necessary to gain links that appear completely natural.  One of the first places you can turn for these is Facebook.  Nowadays, many Internet Marketers have put together and sold information products on producing the perfect Facebook Company page, and how to gain likes for these.  They have done so for one good reason: there is money in it.  Quite a large amount of business do not know how to use Facebook to drive visitors to their website, and the answer is simple as well as being something Google loves.  Quality content.  By creating something that people like, and sharing it on Facebook, there is a good chance that they will also share it.  Each share not only increases the chances of direct traffic, but it also adds a shiny new high PageRank link.  A shiny new natural high PageRank link.

Share and Share And Share Some More

The best thing about super high quality content is the chance of it going viral.  Everyone knows “Charlie Bit My Finger”, and the reason for it is that the online community got hold of the video and loved it.  When someone really enjoys reading something, they naturally want to share that with their friends.  Nowadays, instead of showing it to them directly, then link to it.  They link to it on Twitter, on Digg, on Reddit, on StumbleUpon and on many more.  And each of these sites provides you with more and more links.  The more shares you gain the more links you gain.  So, not only do you get more direct traffic, but by being popular, you rank high in Google. Which, when you come to look at it, is exactly what Google wants.  There’s no nefarious means here, and it’s very unlikely that you would be penalised in the future for this.

The Information Super Highway

Everyone knows this fantastic 90’s phrase: The information super highway, uttered first by Al Gore back in 1978.  But while the phrase may be dated, the term couldn’t have more relevance. Google wants high quality information on its searches.  So you cannot be more popular with Google than if you create high quality information that.  And outside of Facebook and Twitter, the best way to do so nowadays is YouTube.

Google always loves promoting its own products, so what better way to get high quality links than via one of its products.  YouTube videos are highly popular.  The aforementioned “Charlie Bit My Finger” has gained over 450 million views, while a talking dog has gained almost 80 million.  Creating something that people will enjoy, and linking it to your own site will create one of the highest quality links you could want, and not only that, it will create you a brand.

But while it is possible to build all these links yourself, in order to gain the most value, it’s recommended to engage a company that provides high quality seo link building services. Not only will they be of the highest quality, but they will be well placed and gain you the best of reputations.

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