Freelance bloggers can have a HUGE impact on your small business!

freelance bloggersBy now, you should be fully aware of the importance content marketing and the role a freelance blogger can play in attracting new customers to your small business. In fact, you should breath, sleep, and eat content marketing for breakfast. Content marketing drives visitors to your website, where they learn more about your products and services. Blogs that help readers solve difficult problems or enlighten them on new products or services build the level of trust that prompt potential customers to slap down their credit cards to make purchases inside of your store.

The question is not whether you should run a strong content marketing plan, but whether you want to write the content or hire someone else to create the backbone of your content marketing program. It won’t take long for you to decide, after you read the following nine reasons to hire freelance bloggers.


Time Keeps Flowing Like a River

Small owners master many trades and typically those trades keep them very busy throughout each working day. They don’t have the time to write and upload content that attracts visitors to their small business website. By hiring a freelance writer, you ensure that your focus remains on the nuts and bolts of running your business. A freelancer sends you the files that contain the blog post content and then you quickly upload it to your website. 

Quality Assurance

quality assuranceMost small business owners do not have the chops to produce captivating content that sells. They might be able to relate an engaging story verbally, but when it comes to putting the story on paper, the story falls apart faster than a Lindsay Lohan rehab sessions. When you hire freelance bloggers, you hire professionals who have made writing their area of expertise. They know how to craft sentences that employ proper grammar and correct structure. 

Send Out an SOS for Bad SEO

You can study search engine optimization (SEO) all you want, but hiring a professional blogger helps you conform to rapidly changing search engine ranking parameters. Professional bloggers know how many keywrods to place within your website content, as well as where exactly to place the keywords. They develop proven SEO strategies that get your small business ranked on Google’s first search engine page, preferably above the fold.

conversion rate

Convert Traffic into Sales

The best freelance writers not only know how to attract visitors to your small business website, they also are experts at converting visitors into lifelong patrons of your business. When you hire a freelance blogger, you hire a professional who avoids the hard sell in lieu of creating compelling content that establishes your credibility with website visitors. Freelance bloggers write powerful copy and create highly effective links. 

You Own a Long-Term Asset

The quality of a freelance writer’s work gives you an asset that you can leverage 10, 15, 20 years down the road. When you hire freelance bloggers, you can receive evergreen content, that is, content that retains its value over the course of time. The content can describe the history of your small business or address timeless issues that customers face daily. 

Hire a Freelance Blogger for Improved Productivity

Even if Ernest Hemingway runs through your veins, chances are he doesn’t run very fast. Freelance bloggers have honed their skills to the point that they can literally sit down and create a cogent piece of content within a short period. They rarely experience writer’s block and make the type of mistakes that force them to start over. Freelance writers enhance your small business productivity, which should be the primary goal of every small business owner. 

Money Is Not an Obstacle

Many small business owners frown at hiring freelance writers because of cost. However, most freelance writers charge reasonable rates that don’t require you to earn a Masters in Finance to balance your small business budget. Moreover, you shouldn’t look at employing freelance writers as a cost issue. You should view freelance writers in terms of return on investment. In other words, the increase in revenue generated by content that sells more than offsets the cost of recruiting a freelance blogger. 

Adherence to a Regular Blog Publishing Schedule

The best freelance writers produce high quality content before deadlines. This means you can arrange a monthly blog post schedule and expect a freelance writer to deliver the content before the due date. Your website visitors expect you to adhere to a regular content schedule and freelance bloggers make sure that you get it done. When you hire freelance bloggers, you receive fresh content weekly, which Google also rewards by ranking your small business website high in its search engine. 

Last, But Not Least

Recruiting a freelance blogger to create the content for your blog posts gives you plenty of flexibility. Instead of hiring a full-time blogger, you recruit professional freelancers whenever you need content. You can accomplish this by simply Googling “freelance bloggers,” advertising your freelance position online or by using a third-party freelance website that match writers and employers, such as Elance.

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