Blog Tips for Business Owners

Successful business owners know how to delegate.  It’s a difficult lesson for many, but at some point, those who run a business, recognize that they can’t – and probably shouldn’t – handle all aspects of every task.

Of course, I’m hoping you’ll hire me as a freelance blogger to delegate your company’s Web content strategy.  However, if you decide to run a blog on your own, here are several essential blog tips to help get you on the right track.


This is the most common mistake I come across on small business blogs.  Owners think that tailoring each blog post to be a sales pitch is the best way to convert readers into consumers.  It’s quite the opposite.

Think about it.  You’re asking someone with a gazillion content choices to read advertising. That’s akin to expecting someone to buy the New York Times to simply scan the ads.  It’s not a realistic expectation.

Instead, give people thought-provoking content and/or actionable information.  Leave them with something memorable enough and the sell will occur organically.


As a business owner it is important to establish yourself as an authority in your given field, but it is equally important to come across as the reader’s peer.  Talking down to the reader, or making a subject feel as if it is unapproachable, is the kiss of death when it comes to blog content.  The best bloggers can get across information, no matter how complex, and still make you feel as if you’re talking to a next-door neighbor.  Blogs are meant to be fun…don’t be afraid to let your hair down!


Seemingly unimportant things like spelling, grammar, syntax, and tone cannot be taken for granted. One small error can cost you money, or worse yet, hurt your brand’s reputation.


When I’m asked for a freelance blogger quote, I always make it clear to the business that committing to a blog is a long-term strategy – and that’s not my recommendation so I can generate more business.  The reality is, the majority of blogs are left to die on the vine, and that’s bad for business.  If there’s any question if you can provide regular content on your blog, don’t start one. Nothing looks worse for your brand than a blog that is grossly outdated or abandoned.

Also, improving search engine results in a legitimate fashion requires time.  It might be several months, or could take years.  You must be patient with the algorithms set up by each major search engine.  “Training” these search portals to expect well-written content on a regular basis, is part of the recipe for success.  That’s why a handful of well-written blog posts will usually not make a dent.

If you do not have the skill set or the time to blog, you are not alone. Join the dozens of clients who have hired Blogger Freelance for all of their blogging needs.  And when I need a service outside of blogging, I will consider hiring you too!

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